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Don't forget about these when promoting your event!
In-person events are coming back this year and with vengeance. There'll be an influx of events for customers to choose from. So to help you out we've listed a few quick points worth remembering when promoting your event.
When planning your event promotion, ask yourself the following questions; Who you are speaking to? How would they like to be spoken to? Are they going to listen?
Depending on your organisation or the type of event, you will want to attract a target audience. You need to think about your tone of voice and if that audience will respond to what you're saying.
This isn't just in your social media posts either. Tone of voice should carry through to all public-facing content, from your event page description, radio adverts, emails/newsletters, community management, and to your blogs. It's always worth saying your copy out loud to see (listen?) to how it sounds.
What is going to stop someone scrolling. The post needs to look strong enough that people will want to share it to their own feed.
Given the current situation, everyone is mostly on their phones at the moment and visually strong assets are important to think about. Have a look at Behance's graphic design trends for 2021 for some inspiration. If your graphic design skills are limited, Canva has some templates ready for you to play around with.
Link it back
As simple as this may sound, make sure your audience can find your event! Serve all the right links on a plate to make it easy for them to purchase a ticket. Even in your email signatures. It might feel a bit formal but think about how many emails you are sending out each day.
Word of mouth
A social share button goes a long way, especially if customers can easily share the event to their group chat in one click. Make your event page easily shareable across different social media platforms and messaging apps.
Is what you're doing working? In your event Dashboard, you have access to the "Traffic & Tracking" tool to monitor where your event page visitors are coming from and are they buying tickets.
You can cross-check when a piece of marketing activity went out and if it generated traffic to your event page, helping you figure what works.

To understand the "Traffic & Tracking" tool better, visit here.
Have a look at our other blogs for some more tips to take your event promotion even further.