Casting the Right Net

When promoting your event, it's not about how many people you reach but WHO you reach.

Casting the Right Net

You want your event to be a success and so do we! So it's important to think about your Marketing and who you would like to reach. So we've built in Search Engine Optimising (SEO) and sharing tools into your Event dashboard > Marketing > SEO & Sharing.

What does this really mean? That with the right keywords and a little customisation will help your event appear and appeal to those who are likely to buy tickets. Let's break it down a bit further.

Artists & Groups

If you're hosting a festival it would be useful to draw names out of the line-up and add them here. When a customer goes to search that particular artist or group your event should conveniently appear there too.

URL and Discovery

For your event to be publicly found in Google searches then it's wise to have 'Discoverability' ticked here.

It's also in this tab that you can create a shortened URL for your event page. This helps neaten your event page URL across your social media channels and marketing pieces. Plus, it helps create a more memorable way to find your event page instead of http://www.citizenticket.dnii.9483.efjnsd-.398tfjnosmafejnjfaksmdnr... if you get what we mean šŸ˜….

We also strongly recommend displaying social share buttons on your event page to help customers share your event amongst friends or to those who they think would be interested.


In the "SEO" tab you dress-up your event page and specify how you would like it to look when it appears in Google listings. You can edit the Meta title, description and the image.

Now, Meta Keywords are where you want to pull out relevant keywords to help your event page appear under them when they are searched.

Think about what you would search and where you would want your event to appear. For example, if you're hosting a Jazz music night you would could use 'Jazz', 'Jazz night', Live Jazz', 'Jazz gig', 'Jazz London' etc.


Lastly, there's Tracking. When you have an event listed on Citizen Ticket you can track page views, sales and ticketing in "Traffic & Tracking". This will help you monitor what is and isn't working in your marketing.

In addition you can connect to Google Analytics, another tool to track the success of your event page reach and user engagement.

So that's a quick rundown of those free marketing tools you have access to. Make the most of them!

Need to know a little bit more? Head here.