Knickerbocker Release

Knickerbocker was released on 21st June 2022.
New Features

Bugfixes & improvements
- You may have noticed that the livestream solo artist has moved on from our homepage image, and we now have a more lively event, reflecting the renewed & refreshed post-pandemic world we've found ourselves in.
- We've updated the contact us form - requiring a message & email address, cornetto improvements to the UI, and updating the FAQs.
- An access code once applied will apply to all other events under that organisers' name. So, you'll only have to enter 'FRIENDS-FAMILY' access code once per shopping experience, or you can unlock a whole super trolley's worth of discounts with one access code submission.
- Event description formatting ("markdown"), including hyperlinks, now pull through into the super trolley. Gone are those random-looking asterixes!
- If an organiser setup an event with one date, and then cancelled the event, there was no way to revisit this event. This was confusing and unhelpful. So now, these events display in the dashboard even if they have no active date. Organisers can review the event cancellation and add further new dates if they so wish.
- Basket ampersand reference - it said "&" in the checkout basket. That's been fixed for us humans.
- Add bank details mandatory - improved styling
- Super Trolleys Add ons were not not added if the event was sold out. Now we just don't list those events.
- Cornetto / checkout - a number of improvements bringing checkout in line with the latest cornetto design standards.
- Statements listed Sterling even if Euros - this has been rectified
- The statement's event dates now list chronologically (as opposed to the order they were created in), making them a lot easier to digest
- Dark mode improvements to Name your price
- Name Your Price - field was too short for placeholder
- Dark Mode / Super Trolley / Many improvements
- Dark mode display issues on access codes
- Cloning tickets in groups has been fixed
- Sales Digest - Time is now taken into account.
- Duplicating a ticket that requires a delivery address now copies over this setting
- We've made the decision to remove twitter and facebook logins completely. They had been deprecated for a while, so this should cause minimal impact.
- Ticket transfer - if name over two lines causes overflow display issue
- Ticket exchange question notification has been added to prompt customers to review their answers
- Traffic & Tracking 'to' date now defaults to 'today' instead of yesterday's date - was easy to miss, and confusing.

The Cocktail
Knickerbocker was the 19th century term for somebody from Manhattan, NYC, based on a fictional New Yorker called Mr Knickerbocker (similar to the terms "Yankee" or a "New Yorker"). It's why a bunch of things from New York are named "Knickerbocker", such as a baseball team, an ice cream sundae, and you guessed it.. a cocktail!
To make a knickerbocker, take a double measure of gold rum, half a measure of lime juice, and half a measure of raspberry syrup. Add in a teaspoon of orange curacao, and serve on ice. Garnish with raspberries and a lime wedge.
It's delicious, but if it's not to your liking simply add a lot of coca cola and you've got yourself something that tastes a lot like a long island ice tea.