Lemon Drop Release
Lemon Drop was released on 7th September 2022. For this zesty drink, add 2 shots of vodka, 1 shot of triple sec and 1 shot of lemon juice into a shaker. Add ice and shake.

Lemon Drop was released on 7th September 2022.
New Features
Scheduled Publish
Once you've got your event ready to publish, you can schedule it to be published at a date & time that suits your schedule. This is especially useful if you have multiple events you want to go live at a certain time.
Simply choose 'schedule publish' from the Publish now button, and follow the steps.
Event Dashboard availability display
We have a lot of different ways to consider the availability of the tickets - there's capacity, then there's total tickets (including outside capacity), and finally there's foundation tickets.
Trying to pick the 'best guess' has made things unclear for organisers in the past.
Now we are offering up all the information, in a clear and easily digestible way.
This also adds a splash of colour to the dashboard - adding a bit of fun, but also making it easier than ever to see what events are selling out or under performing at a quick glance.
CitizenTicket dot com is now live, especially intended for all non-UK clients and events. You can drop-in replace it wherever you see "citizenticket.co.uk" and go from there.
P.S. Our Twitter handle has now changed too - @CitizenTicket ! (no more under_score!)
Google Analytics in Checkout & Facebook Pixel on event page
We've reintroduced Google Analytics to the checkout process so sales can be properly logged to their page. Set it up in Dashboard > SEO & Sharing > Tracking.
We've also reintroduced Facebook Pixel back into the event page, for those that have added it.
Also note that for Traffic & Tracking, UTM parameters are still the preferred, most reliable method to track sales and conversions. This is because many browsers, devices and privacy extensions now block Google Analytics traffic data by default.
Bug fixes
- Deactivate ticket function does not work
- Ticket exchange - email sent to organiser (not customer)
- Dark mode - registration of Organiser - Text is not readable
- Capacity calculation error
- Saved Ticket Questions - Copying dates
- Registering organiser email with trailing spaces before/after stops progressing
- Broken checkboxes in Images tile
- Duplicate o_url's
- Editing saved question - choose from dropdown - list does not show
- Tickets Questions - The Add question button does not seem to work
- A bunch of Sentry errors have been handled
- Various loading bar improvements
Lemon Drop
For this zesty drink, add 2 shots of vodka, 1 shot of triple sec and 1 shot of lemon juice into a shaker. Add ice and shake. Mix 1tbps sugar with the lemon's zest. Dip a martini glass first in water, then in the sugar/zest mix for a sweet zesty rim. Serve. Enjoy with Cannoli & good company.