Platform Release: Sangria

Sangria was released on 2nd March, 2023.
New Features
Waiting List Improvements
We’ve made a few improvements to the Waiting List. The biggest - you can choose to Restrict your ticket sales to customers who have been notified. This allows you, the organiser, to have much greater control about who purchases the newly added tickets. Set this setting active and move to

Organiser Page Design updated
Your organiser public page just got updated. You can set: A large background photoA location for your organisation (free text input)Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and WWW linksYour existing Organiser name, blurb and profile photo should fit nicely - you can of course choose to change these, too. Upda…

CRM Design Update
Visit the CRM from the left hand column (“Customers”) and you’ll notice a new design. We’ve also added a timeline - currently with an ability to add Notes & Important notes to the customer. Keep your eyes peeled - may improvements are coming to this section over the coming months.

Minor Improvements (Sangria)
We’ve introduced many minor improvements in the Sangria release. For Raz’ Release’s new feature: Ticket Type Activation Scheduling - you’ll now receive a notification when this happens.Time Slot Settings - Shortcut added to the main list of options within the Event Dashboard.New passwords created ha…