Taking the next green step
Making greener choices post-lockdown.

Things stopped. Then they picked up again. Then they stopped again. But now it looks like the industry will be picking up for good this Summer.
Can we use this forced 'pause' to reflect on how we can be more sustainable moving forward? Now might be the perfect time to get things in order and think about making changes to the way we operate.
Where's it coming from?
Have you taken time to think about where the energy you're using is coming from? Especially we know how environmentally unfriendly Bitcoin and NFTs are, and this awareness can be transferred to thinking about the energy behind our own operations 💡
We're made sure the systems we use are super energy efficient and our datacenter runs on 100% 'green' energy. Our blockchain also uses a Point-of-Sale system, which can be optimised to make them energy efficient.
Best of both worlds
Hybrid and online events do not have to be limited to the pandemic. Hybrid and online events have the added bonus of cutting attendees' travel emissions by removing the need to get to a physical venue. You'll even be reducing the energy that is required to operate a larger venue.

Source: eventmanagerblog.com
All that rubbish ♻️

It's great that in recent years we have seen organisers cut down or rethink the tangible elements of their events. For example, leaflets. We've realised we don't need to bulk print thousands of leaflets for event promotion and we've moved towards digital promotion.
It doesn't stop there either. When you step onto a festival site, not every attendee is being handed a site-wide map. Instead, we're reallocating that budget to make general wayfinding at events easier or using QR codes for digital maps.
We also said bye to plastic bags a while ago 🎉 But we're not simply handing out tote bags or reusable bags as straight replacements. If attendees need or want something, they're willing to purchase them and more likely to reuse it. This applies to lanyards or event keepsakes too.
And when we do need to throw stuff away, how we throw it away is being considered too. Whether it's a better set up for recycling or the little things, like sourcing compostable cups (like we do 😉).
Make it easy
Easy to ready graphics can be a green solution that goes a long way. Make it easy for attendees to know what to do with their waste.
Even better yet, before the event highlights to attendees the ways they can travel to your event in a more environmentally friendly way, e.g. public transport maps and travel suggestions. If they can walk easily from the nearest train station, then tell them!
Giving some back
Here comes the philanthropy chat. Fingers crossed your events are successful and you're profiting big. You could use some of that profit and channel it into initiatives that are sustainable, and more importantly, ones that resonate with you and make you want to support them.

It doesn't have to be an after-event thought too. From the offset, you can set up an initiative that strives towards a more sustainable future. We support the National Forest and through Tickets for Trees, when a ticket is purchased on our platform 5p goes towards planting a tree 🌳 🌲
It's great to be public about these partnerships too! It'll help draw attention to these causes and raise awareness amongst your attendees.
Careful not to 'greenwash' though! Be sincere in the sustainable steps you make. We hope our industry will consider a more sustainable way of operating and that in the future it will just be the norm.