Platform Release: Tequila Sunrise

Tequila Sunrise was released on 5th April, 2023.
New Features
Discount codes - share with Citizen Ticket
When creating a discount code, optionally you can share this discount code with Citizen Ticket. We’ll use it to help promote your event - in our mailing lists, in billboard and in social media promotions. You may want to create a discount code especially for this purpose!

Notification when an event sells out
You’ll be automatically notified when your event sells out. You can also choose to be notified on individual date sell-outs, so that you can be more aware of busy periods and consider extending capacity. Control these settings from the Sales Digest tile within your event dashboard.

See what passes are auto-issued
For events involving Season, Membership or Annual Passes, you can easily keep track of what tickets are being automatically issued to your Pass holders in this new section of the dashboard. Find it via Multi-event > Passes > Currently Issuing

Absorb fee on a ticket-by-ticket basis
Sometimes it can be a preference to have the absorb fee on some tickets, but not on others - so we’ve introduced the ability to enable this on the granular ticket level. This option will only appear if your organiser-wide “absorb fee” is not turned on. This feature is available

Minimum per booking
This new feature is great for group-discount tickets. (You may find other uses!) In example that you would like to set a discount of 20% for groups of over 5; first set your price to 20% less and set the minimum per person to 5. Customers will only be able

New domain names
You may have noticed - is now our primary domain! All previous links will be redirected with a 301 redirect, and all email address ( will continue to receive email. We’re also retiring for our new short-link domain, We’ll maintain

Discount code page
Our discount code page list needed a bit of TLC - so we’ve done just that. Yes, you can now easily search & filter Discount codes by campaign name, event name, the discount reference or the code itself. We’ve also added page numbers to the list so it loads faster and

CRM - Ticket Exchanges
Understand a customer’s previous ticket exchanges with this new section of our CRM.

Improvements to Donation Flow
For additional donations, and gift-aid, we have made improvements to the flow that aim to reduce customer friction, and improve donations to your chosen organisation. If you would like to enable donations in the checkout for your event, please speak to your account manager.

We've also made some other minor improvements around the platform in this release:
- Improved the stages of the checkout
- Donated amounts displayed in Sales & Revenue
- Track & Trace functionality removed
- Left aligned modals for consistency
- More clear when saving an email in Sales Digest